Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Home Study...piece of cake!

We had our first home study a week ago! I've had many people ask how it went.  I had planned to get a blog written sooner but the day after the home study we went camping with family. So you're getting an update a week later! ;-)
Going into the home study I was not as nervous as I thought I would be once the day finally arrived. That's probably because I've been able to talk with others who have or are going through the adoption process and have researched about home studies.  A friend sent me a list of general things to have prepared.... list of emergency contact numbers  on fridge, fire extinguisher under kitchen sink, outlet plug covers, all cleaning supplies and medicine to be put on a high shelf.  The only thing the lady from the agency commented on was "do you have fire extinguisher". She didn't check the rest of the stuff that we worked hard on lol....like me scrubbing the kitchen floor on my hands and knees! lol but at least my friend Beth noticed! :-)
Our home study only lasted an hour. We had to answer a lot of questions when we filled out our adoption papers that we mailed to the agency.  She asked a lot of the same questions that we had already answered on paper. She asked about our jobs, how we met, if our families supported our adoption, what Daniel and I like to do, how we resolve fights and who we hang out with. She confirmed what we are willing to accept... gender, race, age, health, how or if we wanted to communicate with the birth family.  I'm sure there were more questions but I don't remember. All the questions were pretty easy, especially since we had already answered them on paper.
After we answered questions she asked for a tour of our home, which was very quick! She was looking to make sure we had plenty of space in our home. Good thing we moved from our one bedroom house or we would not have passed the test! lol  
After the tour we scheduled our next visit with her. It will be July 3rd. We will travel to the agency to be interviewed separately. This will be where they will ask about our childhood and possibly about each other. Again, we've already given the answers to those questions so hopefully it will be painless. Once the interviews are over she will write up her report for the approval process.   
Puzzle Fundraiser:
Normally I only update on the puzzle fundraiser once a month in my blog but since I'm updating you on the adoption process I figured I would update you on the puzzle while I'm here ;-)
Week 23- 13 pieces sold!
Week 24- 2 pieces sold!
Week 25- still in progress but have already sold 10 pieces!! :-)
That brings the total to 494!! Only 6 pieces away from being at the half way mark with this fundraiser! My uncle Jamiel is still doing his challenge. Every payday he and his wife are going to buy two puzzle pieces. He challenged his family and anyone else who wants to participate to do the same.  I cannot wait to get the puzzle finished and hang in the nursery. We already have a spot picked out for it. I post weekly puzzle updates on our gofundme account.
We cannot say thank you enough for everyone who is helping us! We are beyond blessed and are not taking it for granted! Please continue to pray for us and share our story! Thank you thank you!!!

Daniel and Tanner hanging out by the camp fire

Watching the Lego movie

Tanner playing games

Love him!

Love of my life!

Still learning to cook on grill...I burnt the hamburgers!

Our view for the weekend!

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