Monday, June 15, 2015

Spring Garage Sale

On March 7th, I posted to Facebook that we were accepting items for another garage sale to help raise money for our adoption. A week later we picked up our first load. Thirteen weeks later we had items donated from over 20 families and friends. That is double the amount of donations we had from the year before! Throughout those thirteen weeks I priced every single thing that was donated and sorted it as it came in, my loving husband helped pick up items and unload them. I sold a bunch of items on Facebook. Our garage was so full we could not park in it and even had items inside the house. We were still picking items up the night before the sale! At times I wanted to give up because pricing became so overwhelming. I sorted every piece of clothing and took most of it to a consignment shop where we would get more money for it. At one time I even broke my toe from running in the garage while it was raining because I had to park outside... my husband would love to tell you that story some time! ;-) During the two days we were open with the garage sale we had plumbing issues and couldn't shower or use the bathroom at our house, thank God for Daniel's dad who came to help with that! The city had also recently passed a new "rule" that you couldn't hang up signs for your garage sale unless they were on your property where the sale was being held. So all the signs we had posted were taken down. We were able to have the information in the paper and I also posted on a local community page about the sale and it got a lot of attention. In the end God made what seemed like huge difficulties look like tiny specks in the bigger picture. We were so incredibly blessed with this sale! Not only financially but friends and family that came to help, people who donated extra money, neighbors whom we hadn't met before offering to help pack up the left overs and help load it all up and the people who took the left overs as donations for other great causes. We are so thankful for everything this garage sale brought our way especially meeting new neighbors...maybe just not the broken toe (I'm not getting all my steps on my Fitbit anymore)!
The garage the night before

Left overs to be donated 

Left overs to be donated & my sweet neighbor in the orange helping!

Left overs to be donated, only half of what is on the trailer is our stuff.

Overall we raised $2435!!! That is almost double what we raised the year before!! We sold $905 on Facebook, on Friday we raised $1,015 and on Saturday we raised $515! Plus we sold 2 puzzle pieces!! 
Miss Bailey came with her mom to bring
more sacks and bought two puzzle pieces! :-)

We could not have raised that amount without the giving hearts of  people donating items, helping with the sale, coming to shop and donating extra. We do not take for granted how much God has blessed us with our adoption process. We have got to meet some amazing people along the way and will have some great stories to tell our future child one day. Thank you all for continuing to support our adoption and share our story. Please continue to pray for us as we head into month ten of being on the waiting list to be matched with a child.