Tuesday, December 2, 2014

November Updates...

The last time I updated you we were on week 42 and had sold a total of 641 puzzle pieces. Over the past month we have sold 23 pieces. That brings the total number of pieces sold to 664! Only 336 pieces left!!

Week 43- 8 pieces
Week 44- 4 pieces
Week 45-5 pieces
Week 46- 6 pieces

We are one month away from it being one year since starting this fundraiser. I never imagined we would be this far into our adoption process so soon. Last December when Daniel and I had purchased our first home I had written in a blog that we had our first goal accomplished (buying a house) and our second goal would be to start the adoption process a year later.  Little did we know God had bigger plans for us and we started this fundraiser less than a month after buying our house and we had our first interview with the agency four months later.  We have so much to be thankful this year and have been blessed by many friends and family...even people we have never met before. I don't think you will ever truly know how much you all mean to us. We could not have gotten this far without your support and prayers.  Thank you thank you!!

A big thank you to my mom, Jamiel, Erin, Rebekah, The Jantz, Kathy and Dixie! Thank you all for buying puzzle pieces over the past month!!

If you would like to purchase a puzzle piece or two ;-) you can read more about this fundraiser on my blog. puzzle fundraiser Pieces are $10 each. There is only 336 left!!

Over the past week or so Daniel and I have been filling out paper work for adoption Grants. We have one that has already been sent in and three others waiting for reference letters. We plan to look at more throughout the month. Some of the grants we wont hear back until February or June, others just vary. Some of the grants we have had to pay a processing fee or make a small donation. So far they are ranging from $10-$50.

I will continue to update you monthly on the adoption process unless something comes up sooner. Please continue to keep us in your prayers. Thank you again for all your support and prayers! Hope you all have a Merry Christmas!!
More sock monkeys ;-)

Our first Christmas in our new home :-)

Very thankful for my mom who continues to support me!