Sunday, January 20, 2013

Five months later...

It’s been about five months since my last blog! Last semester was definitely my busiest since starting school but it was well worth it!

I did it! Two Bachelor's Degrees!!!

I spent my professional semester student teaching in a Pre-Kindergarten and third grade classroom. Both classes were totally different from each other. I’m glad I had the opportunity to teach in both classes because it allowed me to see which grade level I was more comfortable with. I was able to work with a great staff and build relationships. After student teaching I had planned to sub for different schools in the spring semester so that I could get a feel for what school or grade level I would like to work with but the lord had other plans for me! About two weeks before student teaching was over I had been encouraged to apply for an upcoming position. I interviewed the Friday before graduation. I interviewed for two different positions, Pre-Kindergarten and a second grade position. Going into the interview I knew they would ask which one I preferred and I had no idea. I prayed the whole way there asking for guidance! Halfway through the interview I knew which position I wanted and felt like the rest of the interview questions geared towards that position. The following Monday I was offered a job and accepted!!
The cake my mom ordered me for my graduation party!

Daniel and I at my graduation party.


I spent all of Christmas break being sick and working in my new room! My mentor teacher, her assistant, and my assistant helped me paint over the “jail grey” is what they called it.  It started out looking like a tornado went through it but now it looks like a real classroom!! I still have a lot of work today but it's a start!


I’ve been in the classroom for two weeks now and loving every minute of it! Don’t get me wrong, there have been some challenging days and I’m figuring out what works and what doesn’t. I’ve got many people that have been supportive and very helpful!  

The love of my life!
I’m very grateful for getting a job right before I graduated. Daniel and I are still planning to adopt in the future! We’d like for me to work for about a year to a year and a half and then we will start looking to buy a house. After that we will start the adoption process. Until then we just continue to pray until the day comes that we can be parents.